Search Results: "Michael Prokop"

1 September 2013

Raphaël Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in August 2013

This is my monthly summary of my free software related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (47.50 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Package Tracking System There are only 2-3 weeks left in the summer of code project dedicated to rewrite the package tracking system. We have come a long way during August check it out yourself in The rewrite doesn t have all the features of the old PTS yet, but I opted to keep some of the easy and less interesting features for others to re-implement. Instead I asked Marko to work in the coming weeks on new features that will bring more value, like the possibility to have user accounts with the possibility to easily review and tweak all your subscriptions on the web, and like the possibility to subscribe to groups of packages (i.e. those managed by a team). Our main problem right now is that exim has a pretty poor default behavior of forking hundreds of processes if you get hundreds of mails (in a batch) to an address that delivers via a pipe (postfix is saner, it serializes the deliveries on pipes). The new PTS is much more modular and its memory footprint is bigger (about 3 times more for the process that delivers mails, 30Mb instead of 10Mb), and in such a situation we managed to run out of memory for now we worked around the situation with an exim setting that queues mails once the load gets too high but it s a poor workaround IMO. We could obviously implement our own queue and a daemon but I d like to avoid this. So who knows how to tell exim to behave? :-) On the positive side, Marko has gotten some feedback from people who like the new PTS and are using it daily already. And several persons have expressed their interest to work on the new codebase already. On my side, I created a package so that it s easy to deploy for derivatives. In this process, I revamped the way we manage the Django settings (for development and for production). The package is not finished yet, but it s mostly usable already. But I still want to do some cleanup/refactoring in the models before others start deploying it. We must also enable South to make it possible to upgrade easily afterwards. DebConf 13 in Vaumarcus From August 10th to 17th, I was attending DebConf 13. It matched the only week of vacation that my wife had this summer so we went there with the whole family (that is with a 3 years old son, and 6 months old one). Thus I could not immerse myself in Debconf and missed all the nice things that happen outside of the talk rooms. I picked 3-4 interesting talks per day and I spent the rest with my family. On the positive side, I was pleased that my wife could meet (or at least see) some other Debian people. She knows quite a few (of you) by name because I have been telling her Debian stories for years now Debian France Debian France sold quite some merchandise during Debconf but I didn t take care of that. It was supervised by Sylvestre Ledru but fortunately he got the help of multiple persons, both to bring everything there, to sell it, and to bring back the rest. The good news of the month is that the upstream author of galette published a new version with all the features that we ordered him a few months ago. We send now automatic reminders to members who must renew their subscription, we have automatic update of our accounting books (in a ledger file in a git repository) when we people donate or pay their subscription via the paypal form on our website. I was so pleased to finally have this that I took some hours to finalize the packaging of galette, so that it could be uploaded to Debian. It s now waiting in the NEW queue. I also spent multiple hours to write the python script that is executed by galette and that updates the accounting files. Misc Debian stuff Debian Packaging. I did two uploads of logidee-tools to fix bugs #718671 and #718836. I created a package for Dolibarr a PHP-based CRM and ERP software (it doesn t do accounting however), it s sitting in the NEW queue for almost a month already. I forwarded #719000 to the upstream Publican developers. I filed #720393 to request a new upstream version of libphp-mailer. git-multimail. After its deployment on Alioth last month, Niels Thykier reported me a case where it lead to bounces, I filed this as a new upstream ticket and in fact I fixed it myself a few days after. I got the fixed version installed on Alioth. dpkg. I investigated why the the automatic builds of dpkg were no longer happening and asked Michael Prokop if he could install a newer version of gettext in the build chroot. He told me that he would need a backport for that so I asked Santiago Vila if he was willing to provide it and he kindly accepted. A few days after, the package was in backports and I m now again running the latest dpkg out of git thanks to the nice service provided by Michael. Misc discussions. The thread about user planets drifted into a discussion of how to avoid promotional posts on such planets and in that context someone again brought up the Debian Machine Usage Policy as a way to shut down any kind of (self-)promotional content on planet if there s money involved. This always irritates me and this time I opted to ask James Troup about the origin of that clause in the DMUP. So who is willing to work with DSA to fix the DMUP so that people stop abusing it in contexts where it doesn t make sense? I also participated in some discussions concerning dgit. I like the ideas behind the tool, but I m saddened by the behavior of Ian Jackson. I helped him to fill his gap of knowledge about new sources formats but he keeps on bashing about the 3.0 (quilt) source format both in the manual page and in the output of the program. He believes that dgit is no longer an experiment but the truth is that it s still a poorly commented Perl script doing lots of hackish things. Kali Linux Between Debconf and all, I haven t done much for Kali except a couple of fixes. There s a nice story of how I tracked a bug in live-installer on the Kali blog. That fix has been committed to Debian. I also improved live-build to include xfsprogs/jfsutils on the ISO image when you include the debian-installer (so that you don t end up in problems when you pick JFS or XFS as file systems for your installation). Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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10 May 2013

Michael Prokop: How to get grub-reboot working

So while testing Proxmox VE 3.0 RC1 I had the need to reboot the system into a kernel version different than the one being the default in the bootloader GRUB. lilo -R worked fine in the past, but with GRUB it s not as trivial on the first sight to get its equivalent. I remembered to have had problems with grub-reboot in the past already, or to quote a friend of mine: has grub-reboot worked ever? Well yes, grub-reboot works but only once you re aware of the fact that you need to manually edit /etc/default/grub. :( It s actually documented at, but not in the man page/info document of grub-reboot itself (great idea to provide a separate wiki page for this issue but not consider editing the official documentation instead, not). So here you go:
# grep GRUB_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub 
# sed -i 's/^GRUB_DEFAULT.*/GRUB_DEFAULT=saved/' /etc/default/grub
# grep GRUB_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub 
# update-grub
# grep '^menuentry' /boot/grub/grub.cfg
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os  
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 (recovery mode)' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os  
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-20-pve' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os  
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-20-pve (recovery mode)' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os  
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os  
menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 (recovery mode)' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os  
# grub-reboot 2  # to boot the third entry, the command writes to /boot/grub/grubenv
# reboot
FTR: Filed as #707695.

4 May 2013

Jonathan McCrohan: New packages in Debian 7.0 Wheezy

Given that Debian 7.0 Wheezy will be released in a few hours, I thought it would be a good time to take part in Michael Prokop's #newinwheezy effort to publicise the new packages that have uploaded to Debian as part of Wheezy. I have introduced two new packages to Debian for this release: I've also have become (co-)maintainer of the following packages, updating them for this release: I hope you find them useful. Enjoy!

2 May 2013

Michael Prokop: The #newinwheezy game: Grml packages in Debian/wheezy

Following up on the #newinwheezy game: Debian/wheezy is the first Debian release which ships packages from the Grml system. Grml became an official Debian Derivative and I m very happy that three major projects of Grml found their official way into Debian: As the description states grml2usb is interesting for getting Grml onto a USB device when the dd(1) approach ( dd if=grml.iso of=/dev/sdX ) just isn t flexible enough. grml-debootstrap provides a decent way to install Debian systems from the command line. As its author I might be biased but I ve to mention that it s working so nice that it is in use at several of my customers for automated roll-outs without any worries at all, and I got reports from other companies that they are very happy users of it as well. Finally the grml-rescueboot packages provides a very simple and nice way to boot a rescue system from within GRUB (short version: throw a Grml ISO to /boot/grml/, run update-grub and be done). PS: Thanks everyone for joining the #newinwheezy game over at :)

29 April 2013

Michael Prokop: The #newinwheezy game: new forensic packages in Debian/wheezy

Debian/wheezy includes a bunch of packages for people interested in digital forensics. The packages maintained within the Debian Forensics team which are shipped with the upcoming Debian/wheezy stable release for the first time in a Debian release are: Join the #newinwheezy game and present packages which are new in Debian/wheezy.

3 March 2013

Gregor Herrmann: DPL game

when francesca started her DPL game, I also started thinking about people I'd like to encourage to stand as a DPL candidate. unfortunately my initial "short list" contained 18 names, which doesn't fit the game's rules very well. after waiting a bit, 9 of them were mentioned by others already, so I can leave them out here (which also means no public hug, sorry, please complain to the inventor of the game!). from the remaining 9, I've now chosen my Fantastic Four (in alphabtic order of first names): in my opinion, the DPL task is mostly about managing, & those four people are in my experience all very good at organising projects & dealing with people, & are therefore well suited for this task. let's see if they feel motivated to take on the challenge! (the nomination period has already started, so don't hestitate!)

18 February 2013

Michael Prokop: ldmtool: accessing Microsoft Windows dynamic disks from Linux

Linux is a great platform for dealing with all kinds of different file systems, partition tables etc. But one of the few annoying situations when working in IT forensics are Microsoft Windows dynamic disks, AKA LDM (Logical Disk Manager). Thanks to libldm s ldmtool this is no longer true. A short demonstration from a real-life IT forensics investigation (actual IDs/data randomized for obvious reasons):
# ldmtool
ldm> scan /dev/sdc*
ldm> show diskgroup 1bad5bbc-a4b5-42e1-8823-001014b00003
  "name" : "FOOBAR-Dg0",
  "guid" : "1bad5bbc-a4b5-42e1-8823-001014b00003",
  "volumes" : [
  "disks" : [
ldm> show volume 1bad5bbc-a4b5-42e1-8823-001014b00003 Volume1
  "name" : "Volume1",
  "type" : "striped",
  "size" : 3907039232,
  "chunk-size" : 128,
  "hint" : "D:",
  "partitions" : [
ldm> show partition 1bad5bbc-a4b5-42e1-8823-001014b00003 Disk1-01
  "name" : "Disk1-01",
  "start" : 1985,
  "size" : 1953519616,
  "disk" : "Disk1"
ldm> create all
Unable to create volume Volume1 in disk group 1bad5bbc-a4b5-42e1-8823-001014b00003: Disk Disk2 required by striped volume Volume1 is missing
ldm> scan /dev/sdd*
ldm> create all
The just created device mapper device then can be handled as usual:
# dmsetup ls   grep ldm
ldm_vol_FOOBAR-Dg0_Volume1        (254:4)
# mount /dev/mapper/ldm_vol_FOOBAR-Dg0_Volume1 /mnt/whatever
ldmtool just hit Debian unstable (and I intend to ship the tool with the upcoming version of Grml-Forensic).

8 January 2013

Michael Prokop: Event: OSDC 2013

I ll be speaker at the Open Source Data Center Conference 2013 in Nuremberg/Germany on 17th and 18th April, talking about Continuous Integration/Delivery in the data-center. I was speaking at OSDC back in 2009 and very much enjoyed the conference so I m totally looking forward to OSDC 2013, hope to see you there!

21 November 2012

David Paleino: Wicd .deb packages

Hello world, it's been a long time since I last posted something. Today, I want to let the world know about the availability of Debian packages for wicd. Since the release cycle of wicd is somewhat slow, I decided to provide automatically-built Debian packages for the latest revision of the upstream repository. The automatic build process is possible thanks to Jenkins and the great jenkins-debian-glue, by Michael Prokop. Here's the APT snippet, for those who dare:
# For the "upstream" version of wicd
deb wicd main
The repository is signed with a separate GnuPG key, which I signed with my main keys. You can download it or retrieve it from a keyserver, then you should add it to your APT keyring:
$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4D00F190
# gpg --export 4D00F190   apt-key add -
Obviously these builds are not guaranteed to work :) but, since I myself use these autobuilt packages, I usually try to fix problems as soon as I notice them. If you find bugs, or have proposals to improve wicd, please report them on launchpad!

4 October 2012

Raphaël Hertzog: My Debian Activities in September 2012

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (1086.48 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg I am subscribed to Launchpad s dpkg bug tracker and I was getting annoyed with the amount of noise I got under the form of bug reports that look like package foo failed to install/upgrade: package foo is already installed and configured . Those reports are a combination of a bug in APT and of random other failures (often hardware related like corrupted .deb files, or I/O errors, but sometimes also real problems in other packages) but they always end up assigned on dpkg (because dpkg is outputting an error message complaining about APT s decision to configure something that doesn t have to be configured). I simply don t have the time required to manually process and inspect all those reports, so I decided to filter them at the apport level with a new Ubuntu bug pattern that indicates that those reports are a duplicate of LP#541595. Thanks to this, the dpkg bug count quickly went down from 130 to about 80. Packaging I sponsored a new upstream version of ledgersmb. I quickly updated WordPress to version 3.4.2 since it contains security relevant fixes. I also pushed a small update of nautilus-dropbox fixing #686863 because upstream renamed the binary package that they hand out on their website from nautilus-dropbox to dropbox. Their dropbox package only conflicts with old versions of nautilus-dropbox and not with the version that Debian is shipping and thus I had to add a Conflicts on our side to forbid co-installation of both packages. Testing wheezy s installation I bought a new laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad X230) and used this as an excuse to test Wheezy s installation process. It worked mostly fine except for two things:
  1. First I noticed that it would not accept my passphrase for my encrypted partition during early boot this turned out to be already reported as #619711 but was no longer getting any attention from the package maintainer. After some IRC discussion with Julien Cristau, we prodded Michael Prokop who had apparently already offered to take care of this issue. I tested his updated package and the result got quickly uploaded.
  2. I had weird networking problems that turned out to be related to the lack of the loopback network (i.e. on localhost). This was the result of a broken /etc/network/interfaces: it had been incorrectly modified by NetworkManager. I reported this in #688355. This issue affects people with IPv6 enabled networks.
Debian France There s a resurgence of activity in Debian France. Sylvestre Ledru is leading the organization of a mini-debconf in Paris on November 24-25th. And Tanguy Ortolo is now taking care of some merchandising (Polo shirts, to change from the usual T-Shirt). I might give a talk during this mini-debconf, possibly about multi-arch. Misc It s been a few months that I noticed a 2 second lag of gnome-shell everytime that smuxi (my IRC client) sent a notification. It s very annoying, you have the impression that the entire machine freezes. So I contacted Mirco Bauer on #smuxi and we investigated a bit. It turns out that smuxi is using an old version of the notification protocol where the picture is sent as a bytestream leading to huge dbus messages. This is clearly sub-optimal so smuxi will be fixed to be able to send the path of the picture instead of the picture itself. On the other hand, it s really a bug of gnome-shell that it freezes during the time it takes to handle the bigger-than-usual dbus message. So I also filed a bug on GNOME Shell (Bugzilla #683829) to get this fixed. Librement: funding free software work I started a new project with the goal of helping free software developers to fund their free software work. It s still mostly vaporware for now but I have a public code repository, a nice logo and lots of ideas. If the topic is of interest to you, and you d like to be involved, feel free to get in touch. Otherwise stay tuned. Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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27 August 2012

Michael Prokop: jenkins-debian-glue: Continuous Integration for Debian and Ubuntu made easy

jenkins-debian-glue is an open source project of mine which recently celebrated its first birthday and it s time to finally write about it. jenkins-debian-glue allows you to build Debian and Ubuntu packages directly from the Jenkins continuous integration system. It retrieves package sources from a version control repository, adjusts debian/changelog (handle version number + mention changes that took place) and builds according source and binary packages out of it. Its lintitan integration provides Q/A reports about the resulting source and binary Debian packages. It started as a small pet project of mine to get integration of Debian packaging inside Jenkins. I mainly had the needs for the Grml project in mind and starting with Grml 2011.12 every release (including also all the daily builds) was built using Jenkins since then. It turned out that my project would also be a perfect match for one of my customers, Sipwise GmbH. In December 2011 the sip:provider 2.4 was the first stable release that was built 100% through Jenkins and featuring jenkins-debian-glue. Thanks to special needs and the open source friendliness of Sipwise I could invest further time into the project. Recently the project got even some further drive thanks to interest by some fellow Debian Developers, most notably are the icinga, nagios-plugins, packages and the PostgreSQL in Debian Hackathon. Now if you re also interested in it: there s an automated deployment procedure available for your service to get started with the whole jenkins-debian-glue and Jenkins stack in less than 10 minutes, working just fine on Debian as well as Ubuntu. For further details please head over to or check out this 6:36min screencast (safe for work, no audio :) ): <iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="315" src=";showinfo=0" width="560"></iframe> This embedded video doesn t work for you? Try heading over to YouTube.

2 December 2011

Michael Prokop: commit-sounds make committing more fun

December, release time. I m currently involved in the release management of three major projects and it s not always about fun. So lets make it more fun:

4 November 2011

Michael Prokop: FAI: switch from Subversion to Git

Revision one in the Subversion repository of the FAI project dates back to the 27th of June 2000. Over the last few months we were discussing the switch to Git. At the last FAI meeting we decided to finally switch to Git and I volunteered to drive the migration. Today I officially did the migration. I ve been using git-svn to handle the FAI svn repository for at least as long as I m wearing the FAI stable release manager hat. But the tags, author information, inside my git-svn checkout weren t ready for official publishing yet There are at least two different well known and referenced svn2git implementations out there. I decided to give the one hosted on github a shot because it s mentioned at It basically uses git-svn and just does the few annoying steps for you that I d had to do manually otherwise. For more complex repositories the other svn2git implementation might be worth a try, especially since it s supported by the svneverever tool. svneverever supports more flexible rules regarding the repository layout (it was used for switching Gentoo s Portage from Subversion to Git). Luckily we didn t need it in our situation and I had experience with git-svn on the FAI repository already, so Converting the repository was as simple as running:
% svn2git svn:// --authors ../fai-svnauthors
The ../fai-svnauthors file contains all the svnuser = Realname <> mappings to get the author information right. Some 41 minutes later svn2git finished its work. Finally I pushed the result to the FAI repository at github. If you re interested in the repository size of svn vs. git:

8 October 2011

Michael Prokop: Rocking Zsh: directory specific shell profiles Screencast

The Directory specific shell configuration with Zsh is a rocking feature I use in all my projects when working on the command line. I just created a screencast where I m showing this feature in action, including its configuration: <iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="315" src=";showinfo=0" width="560"></iframe> This embedded video doesn t work for you? Try heading over to YouTube. Since its my first screencast please let me know what you think of it. Waste of time? Want to see further screencasts about Zsh, Grml, ? Is there any other platform than YouTube better suited for such screencasts (for the creator as well as the visitor s point of view)? Is there anything specific I might consider changing in upcoming screencasts?

4 September 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian activities in August 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (91.44 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg work When I came back from Debconf, I merged my implementation of dpkg-source --commit (already presented last month). I continued some work on the hardening build flags but it s currently stalled waiting on Kees Cook to provide the required documentation to integrate in dpkg-buildflags(1). Following a discussion held during DebConf, Michael Prokop has been kind enough to setup a git-triggered auto-builder of dpkg (using Jenkins). You can now help us by testing the latest git version. Follow those instructions:
$ wget -O -   sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo sponge /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dpkg-git <<END
deb dpkg main
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
On the bug fixing side I took care of #640198 (minor man page update), #638291 (a fix to correctly handle hardlinks of conffiles), #637564 (the simplification logic of union dependencies was broken in some cases) and #631494 (interrupting dpkg-source while building a native source package left some temporary files around that should have been cleaned). WordPress update I released WordPress 3.2.1 in unstable (after having taken the time to test the updated package on my blog!) and fixed its RC bug (#625773). In the process I discovered a false positive in lintian (I reported it in 637473). Gnome-shell-timer package From time to time, I like to use the Pomodoro Technique. That s why I was an user of timer-applet in GNOME 2. Now with the switch to GNOME 3, I lost this feature. But I recently discovered gnome-shell-timer, a GNOME Shell extension that provides the same features. I created a Debian package of it and quickly filed some bugs while I was testing it (two usability issues and an encoding problem) QA Work During DebConf I met Giovanni Mascellani and he was interested to help the QA team. He started working on the backlog of bugs concerning the Package Tracking System (PTS) and submitted a bunch of patches. I reviewed them and merged them but since they were good, I quickly got lazy and got him added to the QA team so that he can commit his fixes alone. It also helps to build trust when you have had the opportunity to discuss face to face. :-) Vacation That s not so much compared to usual but to my defense I also took 2 weeks of vacation with my family. But somehow even in vacation I can t really forget Debian. Here s my son:
Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

3 comments Liked this article? Click here. My blog is Flattr-enabled.

27 August 2011

Michael Prokop: Open Source Projects using Jenkins

For a (german) talk I ll be giving soon I was interested in a list of open source projects which use Jenkins. Jenkins is a great open source continuous integration server. I was wondering whether such a list exists but since it doesn t exist yet I created my own and Kohsuke Kawaguchi (creator of Hudson/Jenkins) suggested to blog about it. There we go. :) Open source projects using Jenkins, though Jenkins service not accessible for the public (yet): And Cloudbees hosts some OSS projects providing Jenkins as a service. Update [2011-08-29]: thanks for all the feedback, I ve updated the list accordingly.
If you re aware of another open source project using Jenkins please leave it in the comments, I ll update the list accordingly then.

19 August 2011

Michael Prokop: Use of VCS in Debian packages some stats

Everyone loves stats, ok well at least I do. I was doing some research with regards to package maintenance within the Debian distribution and since the results might be interesting for someone else there we are. On 19th of August 2011 there have been: Therefore ~59% of all packages in Debian/sid are officially managed with a version control system (VCS). Now, which VCS do those packages use?
  1. Svn: 4939
  2. Git: 4377
  3. Darcs: 284
  4. Bzr: 247
  5. Hg: 61
  6. Cvs: 31
  7. Arch: 28
  8. Mtn: 10
I ve retrieved the numbers from the Ultimate Debian Database (UDD). Sadly there s a bug in UDD regarding the Vcs-Type information, see #637524. Therefore I ve extracted a list of 80 packages where a Vcs-Browser header is available but the Vcs-Type entry is empty in UDD. 29 packages of them are managed inside CVS but don t appear as such in UDD, so I manually corrected the number for CVS in the numbers above. The remaining 51 packages have a Vcs-Browser field set but lack the according Vcs-* entry, some of them pointing to upstream VCS instead of the according Debian package repository, some of them result in 404 errors, etc. As a result I ve reported bugs where applicable (#638466, #638468, #638469, #638470, #638471, #638472, #638474, #638475, #638476, #638477, #638479, #638482, #638486, #638488, #638493, #638497, #638501, #638475, #638475, #638502, #638503, #638505, #638506, #638508, #638509, #638510, #638511, #638512, #638513, #638516, #638518, #638519, #638520, #638522, #638523, #638524, #638525, #638526, #638527, #638528, #638529, #638530, #638516, #638531). Disclaimer: I found Debian s Statistics wiki page and Zack s VCS usage stats after starting to play with my own stats. AFAICT Zack s slightly higher numbers are the result of looking at multiple versions for the same source packages, as you ll see when comparing numbers from UDD s sources_uniq view (which I used) with either 1) UDD s sources table, 2) source table count from projectb or 3) Package count from http://$DEBIAN_MIRROR/debian/dists/unstable/ main,contrib,non-free /source/Sources.bz2. Conclusion: 9316 packages are officially managed with Subversion and Git as of today, representing ~94% of the VCS managed packages. This means ~55% of all the Debian (source) packages are available through either a Git or Subversion repository and that s actually the number I was originally interested in. Thanks to Alexander Wirt, Christian Hofstaedter, Gerfried Fuchs, J rg Jaspert and Michael Renner for hints in forming up the final stats results.

29 July 2011

Michael Prokop: The Zsh Pony

I was giving a skills exchange session about Zsh at DebConf 11. I wasn t expected to prepare the session, but since there was no video projector available in the meeting room I started to work on some notes. Looks like I suffer from presentation driven development, so the notes turned out to become bigger than expected. If you re interested in my Zsh pony then head over to PS: I plan to provide the zsh pony at github, but my org-mode file still causes an error 500 at github. Github support is already aware of it. In the meantime I m happy to receive feedback, patches and contributions via mail.

11 July 2011

Michael Prokop: Creating 32bit Debian packages in 64bit environments

i386 systems are dying off and therefore building 32bit Debian packages in 64bit environments is important if you still need packages for i386. For some recent projects I had to set up 64bit-only environments with the need to provide 32bit packages for i386 as well as according i386 Linux kernel packages. 1) Common Debian packages Just prepend the linux32 command to the build commands and use the -a386 option of dpkg-buildpackage(1). So use linux32 dpkg-buildpackage -ai386 , linux32 git-buildpackage -ai386 , linux32 debuild -ai386 , or whatever build tool you prefer to work with. I personally like using git-buildpackage -S together with cowbuilder. When using cowbuilder it s easy to get i386 Debian packages:
# create initial cow base directory, needs to be executed just once:
cowbuilder --create --basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/wheezy32.cow \
   --architecture i386 --distribution wheezy --mirror
# the "debbuildopts -b" says I want a binary-only build, see dpkg-buildpackage(1):
linux32 cowbuilder --build --basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/wheezy32.cow \
   ~/foobar_0.42.dsc --debbuildopts "-b"
2) Debian Kernel packages If you re building your own kernel images you might be aware of setting ARCH for the common make targets, like:
ARCH=i386 make oldconfig
To build a linux-image Debian package you can use upstream s deb-pkg target, like:
ARCH=i386 make deb-pkg
This should provide you according linux-headers, linux-firmware-image, linux-libc-dev and linux-image i386 Debian packages. But if you need the according source and doc packages as well you might prefer make-kpkg of kernel-package instead, using options like:
DEB_HOST_ARCH=i386 setarch i386 make-kpkg --revision "$KERNELVERSION" \
  --cross-compile - --arch=i386 --us --uc --initrd \
  --rootcmd fakeroot kernel-image kernel-headers kernel-doc kernel-source
3) Debian linux-2.6 kernel packages If you re interested in building Debian kernel images the same way as the Debian kernel team does (AKA linux-2.6) make sure to check out the kernel-handbook. After installing essential software packages I had to set up some symlinks for building:
apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts fakeroot
apt-get build-dep linux-2.6
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-gcc-4.4
ln -s /usr/bin/ld /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-ld
ln -s /usr/bin/ar /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-ar
ln -s /usr/bin/objcopy /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-objcopy
ln -s /usr/bin/nm /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-nm
ln -s /usr/bin/objdump /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-objdump
ln -s /usr/bin/strip /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-strip
Then executing:
apt-get source linux-2.6
cd linux-2.6*
debuild -ai386 -us -uc
provided the according Debian packages (linux-doc, linux-headers, linux-image, linux-libc-dev, linux-manual, linux-patch-debian, linux-source, linux-support and linux-tools). 4) Out-of-tree kernel module packages If you want to build external modules which are available as $MODULENAME-source in Debian (e.g. tp-smapi-source) using module-assistant then use the DEB_HOST_ARCH environment variable, like:
DEB_HOST_ARCH=i386 m-a -v --text-mode -k /home/mika/linux-$KERNELVERSION -l $KERNELVERSION build tp-smapi
If the external module is not available for use with module-assistant then compile the module running:
make -C /lib/modules/$KERNELVERSION/build M=$(pwd)
whereas /lib/modules/$KERNELVERSION/build is pointing to the build directory of your 32bit kernel.

30 May 2011

Michael Prokop: Create virtual disk images using grml-debootstrap

Background: Lars Wirzenius was searching for a tool to create virtual disk images. Turned out I needed something similar to improve the automatic deployment process of a customer s platform installation. Being the author of the mentioned grml-debootstrap tool I started to work on deploying virtual disk images using grml-debootstrap. As a result I just uploaded grml-debootstrap version 0.46 which is the first release being capable of installing virtual disk images. Thanks to great help by Thorsten Glaser also proper Grub integration is working now. Instructions: Grab the most recent grml-debootstrap version (>=0.46) from the grml-testing repository and make sure to install its recommends (kpartx mksh parted qemu-utils). Then just use the vmfile option to activate deployment of a virtual disk image, combined with the target option as usual. To adjust the disk size use the vmsize option. Usage example:
# IMAGE_FILE="/mnt/sda1/qemu.img"
# grml-debootstrap --vmfile --vmsize 3G --target $IMAGE_FILE
I tested it from inside a running Grml live system, which is running inside a KVM image running on a Proxmox VE cluster. I can even invoke KVM/Qemu inside Grml inside KVM to test the image (using remote access e.g. via vncviewer $IP_OF_KVM_HOST:5901 ) running:
# kvm -hda $IMAGE_FILE -m 256 -vnc :1
And the best about it: it just works. :)
As usual: testing and feedback highly welcome.

